Saturday, December 31, 2005

much to do about nothing

what do you do when your Merchandise not moving,Any one know?yes!I'll tell you what you do,repackage it with a new logo yes and guest who is doing just that. Intel, Folks yes intel is getting a face lift come january look for that.Happy new year!, yes it is a new year and jackasses,already start to open their mouth,have you heard of Mr. Less, Brown? the speach motavater , yes that one the wife beater, the abuser yea that one,he had a informercial an it goes something like this"someone depiction of you dose'nt mean you has to be your reality",So now the Million Doller question is who depict him to be an abuser an a wife beater that realy became his reality now why would you go and pay money to hear someone like that.To motavte you to do what? on how to come a better abuser,much to do about nothing!Did you know the bird flue is here in the USA? Yes people it's in the midwest.and we are not prepard for a mast epidemic like this .The aids groupe is on the soap box about viagra they want the drug company to stop making it,they will be out in force for the new year,what you think?Much to do about nothing.Try this link!,computer sales

Thursday, December 29, 2005

much to do about nothing

Here comes the big one Bang! bang! happy new year!! Out with the old in with then new, not too long ago we were hiding from the new mellium some say it is the end well it is not, an not one of us knows when it is ,so get your head out your asses and buckle down, time is a changing so while you are out celebrating think about what have you done in the old year ,did i made it better for myself an fellow man?or i was just a selfish bum ?trying to steal from the Poor for the Rich.This is a time for reflection for the rich /add Poor alike the rich will get richer, the poor will be homeless because the rich took it away or made it harder for him to keep up because of that word,Downsizing,Did you know GM is closing another Plant?or i should say downsizing.much to do about nothing got to run folks.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Well! another erea is about to pass us by ,did yet every thing you wanted out of this one?well no mater, we will go on just the same ,we complain about how things are so hard and we go on and on about the economy yet still we go out an buy that new car,for the wife or that new gadget well here is link for that new gadget Folks this is much to do about nothing, it just human behavior the way we are we complain about the cost of things and still buy them

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Beware of the sharks

Ever stop to think why some website fail,well tell you why there is alot of sharks out there they offer a lot deliver nothing first they will tell you dont worry we will take care of you,they will take care allright send you a bill that's what they will do,and some of these search engine with these 3rd Party software they offer it but will not take time to help if you has a problem why is that?There is company out there name Expedite first they will take your money do a few things to keep you happy then they start turning the screws to you,Oh dont forget about the web Biggest, they send you an email you accept thir software now come the shark you could have it for 30 days when the time expire and you try to unstall it let you think you got rid of it in the meantime they are sending you a bill,so beware of the sharks

Friday, December 23, 2005

wish list

Have you ever wish you have more time in the day to do more stuff,Like look for a Dentist or shop for new computer or a place to find that gift for your familey,well problem solve visit there you a Dental Plan just for you and whatever else you dont have time for.Look no farther we can help you.