Sunday, July 30, 2006

U.S. Puts Onus on Employers of Immigrants

CINCINNATI, July 30 — Immigration agents had prepared a nasty surprise for the Garcia Labor Company, a temporary worker contractor, when they moved against it on charges of hiring illegal immigrants. They brought a 40-count federal indictment, part of a new nationwide strategy by immigration officials to clamp down on employers of illegal immigrant laborers.

Sheriff Defies Immigrants by Billboard and by Blog (July 31, 2006)
Study Finds Disparities in Judges’ Asylum Rulings (July 31, 2006)
Readers’ Opinions
Forum: Immigration
Maximino Garcia, the president of the company, which provides low-wage laborers to businesses from Pennsylvania to Texas, stood before a federal judge here on Tuesday to answer conspiracy charges of aiding illegal immigrants and money laundering. If convicted, Mr. Garcia, who pleaded not guilty, could serve 20 years in jail and forfeit his headquarters building and $12 million.

Friday, July 21, 2006


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Friday, July 14, 2006


while i rejoise to some extent i am sad for the reason not all immigrants are bad
there are those who are illegal an are law abiding but there is a way to do things if
you want to stay do it right here is what smalltown Pennsylvia had to say.I was unable to redirect you so here it is.HAZLETON, Pa. (AP) — The City Council approved a law Thursday night designed to make this small city in northeastern Pennsylvania among the most hostile places in the U.S. for illegal immigrants to live or work.
The 4-to-1 vote came after nearly two hours of passionate debate. Opponents argued it was divisive and possibly illegal, but supporters argued illegal immigrants' growing numbers have damaged the quality of life here.

"We must draw the line, and we are doing it tonight," Mayor Lou Barletta told a packed council chambers.

Barletta proposed the Illegal Immigration Relief Act last month as a response to what he said were Hazleton's problems with violent crime, crowded schools, hospital costs and the demand for services.

The ordinance would deny licenses to businesses that employ illegal immigrants, fine landlords $1,000 for each illegal immigrant discovered renting their properties, and require city documents to be in English only

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Did you know that online Gambling is amulti Billion dollar affair,so much so that the folks on the hill want to close it down,as if they dont have enough to do,well before they do check out,they are having Prizes of$888.888 million,see this ad to find out more onley #1 more day before the contest start.
The boys are not getting their slice that is why they want to close it down.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Children OF the STORM

YES Katrina victims an those of prior storm whom have not seen the light of day Even thou there is another brewing since this is the season for storm.Here we have these People lost everything in these storm an some of them struggle to pay their insurance Premum an these company are denying them.What is it are they trying to investagate fuck their is nothing to investigate just pay the folks.Now victims of the storm you cant win by fighting alone every one of you whom has a lost need to come togather an fight these Insurance company Because king george will not help.Another way is call on your congress people remember election time is at hand so call on them to stop this madness it is almost a year Stop being a victim.just my 2 cents,much to do about nothing..

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


WELL! America your Birthday has come an gone,I trust the majority had fun an with out insident,an those that did i hope it was'nt too bad,Well america did you see that piece last week
last week where King george is making plans to tak over Cuba,on a what if situtation if Fidel Castro should die one way or the other an it is going to cost some $80,00000 Million, America why cant we leave these folks alone an let them solve their Problem by themself. That how we got screw in Vietnam an iraq trying to help that
money could help the poor folks that dont has medical insurance an other things here at home,especially now that with the folks that is crossing the Border every day we will need that money dont you think so america? much to do about nothing just my 2cents.

Ps. what does cuba has that King george wants?

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Saturday, July 01, 2006
