Thursday, December 29, 2005

much to do about nothing

Here comes the big one Bang! bang! happy new year!! Out with the old in with then new, not too long ago we were hiding from the new mellium some say it is the end well it is not, an not one of us knows when it is ,so get your head out your asses and buckle down, time is a changing so while you are out celebrating think about what have you done in the old year ,did i made it better for myself an fellow man?or i was just a selfish bum ?trying to steal from the Poor for the Rich.This is a time for reflection for the rich /add Poor alike the rich will get richer, the poor will be homeless because the rich took it away or made it harder for him to keep up because of that word,Downsizing,Did you know GM is closing another Plant?or i should say downsizing.much to do about nothing got to run folks.

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