Saturday, January 21, 2006

Water! Water!

Have you ever stop think?
what would happen if the there is no water,Well take a munite to think about it! ea,time up well let me tell you we would die,things we take for granter,like water.Folks not too far in the distance water will be like oil you will have to pay for it on the market onley the( Prive few) will have it, some parts of the world they are already making it a commodity,Beware ! take care of whatever little you have so it dont come to be commodity.See the folks up stream will be the ones controling water i not saying to run for the hills,or the country where the streams are i am saying wase not !want not! Water is very Precious think about it.much to do about nothing, just my 2cents!while you are here visit this link!

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