Wednesday, March 22, 2006


America! This is my question to you, Do you trust the folks that is watching over our food?
If it come down to the bottom line an your health whom do you think will win?
if you said yes to the first question then you are a fool.

You see america this mad cow disaese is a very serious thing, what else is going on that we
dont know about in the meat industriers? we have heard of ecoli in the meat an other,
Bacteria. America is the standard set too low by theUSD for inspection.

America! my hat's off to that meat company in Kansas they are asking the Department of
Agriculture for better inspection in the meat industery especialy with this Bovine Disease,
it said if they dont get results they are willing to take the Dpt of Agri, to court.

Folks i like it that someone is trying to make a difference,But who are they protecting?
their bottom line our health? To me does'nt matter as long as doing the right thing.
An that is keep the Public safe an healthy Kudo's to the folks of kansas meat company.
Will they do the same thing when the bird flue get's here?that is hide the truth hello america!just my 2cents.

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