Tuesday, July 04, 2006


WELL! America your Birthday has come an gone,I trust the majority had fun an with out insident,an those that did i hope it was'nt too bad,Well america did you see that piece last week
last week where King george is making plans to tak over Cuba,on a what if situtation if Fidel Castro should die one way or the other an it is going to cost some $80,00000 Million, America why cant we leave these folks alone an let them solve their Problem by themself. That how we got screw in Vietnam an iraq trying to help that
money could help the poor folks that dont has medical insurance an other things here at home,especially now that with the folks that is crossing the Border every day we will need that money dont you think so america? much to do about nothing just my 2cents.

Ps. what does cuba has that King george wants?

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