Saturday, April 29, 2006

Mexico legalize Drugs

That right america!you hear right it is legal to use any kind of drugs in mexico
Mexico has a lot of resource but onley the rich benifit that one of the reason
why they allow the poor to leave for america they are too meny of them,
now about the drugs you see it is a form of retalation towards america sending back their illegal reject now america not onley get sober labour,now they get dope fein
to deal with, Mexico we have our own crack heads to deal with.King George!
now is the time to pass a strong immigration law to show the mexican Government you mean busniess so while you an your cronies are up on the hill
that is something to think about,those addict who is about to cross in to america Congress what are you going to do about this?mutch to do about nothing.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

The big easy

America after the storm the people of the big easy was scattered all across america some still
live on those cruise ships, yes america scattered like the children of isreal,the only different
they had god to watch over them the children of new orleans have King George! who dosent'
give a dam,The new storm season is upon them an still nothing done. Whatever happen to
the Jane Fonda's of the world that take up causes like these.

One good thing came out of it they are turning out to vote that's right use your god giving right
What happen to the Black community they have all that money an dont want to help Shame!
Shame!What happen to the Great Jessie Jackson? Al Sharpton, where are they i guest there is no money in it to speak out those are the news maker. Or maybe the were paid to keep quiet
think about it.

Big easy tell Jessie, an Al to shut the fuck up you dont need them now,I heard Jessie said
he will opose the election tell him go sit the fuck down when you needed him he was no where to be found. just my 2cents.much to do about nothing.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


America!a not too long ago i post a piece about the fat cat's in missippi now read for your self
click the link below.
Mississippi's two U.S. senators included $700 million in an emergency war spending bill to relocate a Gulf Coast rail line that has already been rebuilt after Hurricane Katrina at a cost of at least $250 million.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Victims of Rita???????????

Whatever happen to the people of Rita do you know?well i do if you dont, america they are forgotten,America it is a dam shame a place like america to turn her back on her homeless
even in king george country the state of texas the victims of rita still haven't gotten no relief
not even from their insurance.Yet we are quick to interfere in other country affair an we
has problem at home.The reality to keep others from seeing us for who we realy are
so we keep medling abroad while our domestic afair goes to pot,much to do about nothing just my2cents.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

wait end on rules katrina

People i haven't' seen any thing like king george is giving the folks more money
to rebuild the levee on the other hand he is saying he dont know if it is worth the trouble
it's like seeing a man drowns an you give him a straw an say hold on i'll be back
such fuckrey. America is one of the most richest nation in the world technologically
an moneterly wise what is the problem?fix the fucking place,what is the problem?
is it because they are people of color why we don't give a dam?

People of color rise up an let them give a dam do as your mexican brothers did
they rose up to let them know that they must give a dam, but first people of
color you got to wake up an take your noeses out of jim crow ass then you
could tell him how you feel.much to do about nothing just my 2cent:

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

luneybird: New Orleans Votes

luneybird: New Orleans Votes

New Orleans Votes

That's right America the people of the people of the big easy has gone to the poles.Congrats to
that one lady who travel 700 mils,just to vote even thou there was some who was next door in texas who did'nt saw the significant of it to go home an vote, the idea was to show the Politician
that you wont take it no more People of color get up off your asses make an effort that is your enailable right.Fuck take a page from the Mexicans,they are not afraid to express them self.

Even thou they are here ilegal,People of colour if you stand up, stand up an be counted
the jim crow days will be gone!Unite demonstrate,Vote these tools are at your disposal use them
People fo colour come togather,do you still have that jim crow mentality he cant hurt you
any more,People of the big easy look at the differetce a storm passes through a few states
resently the next day they cleaning up what does that tell you?it tell's me that they dont give a Dam about you.It has been 8mth that is too long,so exersise the right god gave you dont be afraid use it the mexican did just
my 2cents!