Thursday, April 13, 2006

wait end on rules katrina

People i haven't' seen any thing like king george is giving the folks more money
to rebuild the levee on the other hand he is saying he dont know if it is worth the trouble
it's like seeing a man drowns an you give him a straw an say hold on i'll be back
such fuckrey. America is one of the most richest nation in the world technologically
an moneterly wise what is the problem?fix the fucking place,what is the problem?
is it because they are people of color why we don't give a dam?

People of color rise up an let them give a dam do as your mexican brothers did
they rose up to let them know that they must give a dam, but first people of
color you got to wake up an take your noeses out of jim crow ass then you
could tell him how you feel.much to do about nothing just my 2cent:

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