Saturday, April 29, 2006

Mexico legalize Drugs

That right america!you hear right it is legal to use any kind of drugs in mexico
Mexico has a lot of resource but onley the rich benifit that one of the reason
why they allow the poor to leave for america they are too meny of them,
now about the drugs you see it is a form of retalation towards america sending back their illegal reject now america not onley get sober labour,now they get dope fein
to deal with, Mexico we have our own crack heads to deal with.King George!
now is the time to pass a strong immigration law to show the mexican Government you mean busniess so while you an your cronies are up on the hill
that is something to think about,those addict who is about to cross in to america Congress what are you going to do about this?mutch to do about nothing.

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