CINCINNATI, July 30 — Immigration agents had prepared a nasty surprise for the Garcia Labor Company, a temporary worker contractor, when they moved against it on charges of hiring illegal immigrants. They brought a 40-count federal indictment, part of a new nationwide strategy by immigration officials to clamp down on employers of illegal immigrant laborers.
Sheriff Defies Immigrants by Billboard and by Blog (July 31, 2006)
Study Finds Disparities in Judges’ Asylum Rulings (July 31, 2006)
Readers’ Opinions
Forum: Immigration
Maximino Garcia, the president of the company, which provides low-wage laborers to businesses from Pennsylvania to Texas, stood before a federal judge here on Tuesday to answer conspiracy charges of aiding illegal immigrants and money laundering. If convicted, Mr. Garcia, who pleaded not guilty, could serve 20 years in jail and forfeit his headquarters building and $12 million.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
Fur Coats, Jackets and Accessories are IN again, with many Hollywood celebrities bucking the trend of the 90's and embracing fur again in their wardrobes. For many, fur was never "Out" and they have kept purchasing steadily, but there is now a definite upswing in demand for it's natural warmth and beauty.
Buy Glucosamine for all that ake you
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Friday, July 14, 2006
while i rejoise to some extent i am sad for the reason not all immigrants are bad
there are those who are illegal an are law abiding but there is a way to do things if
you want to stay do it right here is what smalltown Pennsylvia had to say.I was unable to redirect you so here it is.HAZLETON, Pa. (AP) — The City Council approved a law Thursday night designed to make this small city in northeastern Pennsylvania among the most hostile places in the U.S. for illegal immigrants to live or work.
The 4-to-1 vote came after nearly two hours of passionate debate. Opponents argued it was divisive and possibly illegal, but supporters argued illegal immigrants' growing numbers have damaged the quality of life here.
"We must draw the line, and we are doing it tonight," Mayor Lou Barletta told a packed council chambers.
Barletta proposed the Illegal Immigration Relief Act last month as a response to what he said were Hazleton's problems with violent crime, crowded schools, hospital costs and the demand for services.
The ordinance would deny licenses to businesses that employ illegal immigrants, fine landlords $1,000 for each illegal immigrant discovered renting their properties, and require city documents to be in English only
there are those who are illegal an are law abiding but there is a way to do things if
you want to stay do it right here is what smalltown Pennsylvia had to say.I was unable to redirect you so here it is.HAZLETON, Pa. (AP) — The City Council approved a law Thursday night designed to make this small city in northeastern Pennsylvania among the most hostile places in the U.S. for illegal immigrants to live or work.
The 4-to-1 vote came after nearly two hours of passionate debate. Opponents argued it was divisive and possibly illegal, but supporters argued illegal immigrants' growing numbers have damaged the quality of life here.
"We must draw the line, and we are doing it tonight," Mayor Lou Barletta told a packed council chambers.
Barletta proposed the Illegal Immigration Relief Act last month as a response to what he said were Hazleton's problems with violent crime, crowded schools, hospital costs and the demand for services.
The ordinance would deny licenses to businesses that employ illegal immigrants, fine landlords $1,000 for each illegal immigrant discovered renting their properties, and require city documents to be in English only
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Did you know that online Gambling is amulti Billion dollar affair,so much so that the folks on the hill want to close it down,as if they dont have enough to do,well before they do check out,they are having Prizes of$888.888 million,see this ad to find out more onley #1 more day before the contest start.
The boys are not getting their slice that is why they want to close it down.

The boys are not getting their slice that is why they want to close it down.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Children OF the STORM
YES Katrina victims an those of prior storm whom have not seen the light of day Even thou there is another brewing since this is the season for storm.Here we have these People lost everything in these storm an some of them struggle to pay their insurance Premum an these company are denying them.What is it are they trying to investagate fuck their is nothing to investigate just pay the folks.Now victims of the storm you cant win by fighting alone every one of you whom has a lost need to come togather an fight these Insurance company Because king george will not help.Another way is call on your congress people remember election time is at hand so call on them to stop this madness it is almost a year Stop being a victim.just my 2 cents,much to do about nothing..
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
WELL! America your Birthday has come an gone,I trust the majority had fun an with out insident,an those that did i hope it was'nt too bad,Well america did you see that piece last week
last week where King george is making plans to tak over Cuba,on a what if situtation if Fidel Castro should die one way or the other an it is going to cost some $80,00000 Million, America why cant we leave these folks alone an let them solve their Problem by themself. That how we got screw in Vietnam an iraq trying to help that
money could help the poor folks that dont has medical insurance an other things here at home,especially now that with the folks that is crossing the Border every day we will need that money dont you think so america? much to do about nothing just my 2cents.
Ps. what does cuba has that King george wants?
! TRY THE 888 GREAT PRIZES.3 more days to the great $888.888 game,click here for
more info.!
last week where King george is making plans to tak over Cuba,on a what if situtation if Fidel Castro should die one way or the other an it is going to cost some $80,00000 Million, America why cant we leave these folks alone an let them solve their Problem by themself. That how we got screw in Vietnam an iraq trying to help that
money could help the poor folks that dont has medical insurance an other things here at home,especially now that with the folks that is crossing the Border every day we will need that money dont you think so america? much to do about nothing just my 2cents.
Ps. what does cuba has that King george wants?
! TRY THE 888 GREAT PRIZES.3 more days to the great $888.888 game,click here for
more info.!

Saturday, July 01, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Recently a group of people was discussing the meny conflict they have gone seen in their life time we had folks from ww:11 to presant day iraq we discuss how the boys are playing the same game the enemy are playing an now they are getting penalize what in de fuck king george is doing to these boys,all the other nation are pulling out so why cant we is this another Vietnam?is it because of the oil why these boys are dying,what is it ?will some one please tell me. this is insane to punish these boys when they are trying to play on the same field the iraques are setting up so george give them a break or pull the fuck out of there.just my 2cents
Monday, June 19, 2006
City to crack down
Well Fathers day is gone now here we are with the same old thing,illegal's face the fact that the federal gov. had let it ran too far,you see the government do not run this country Big Money
does an now we are here with the dilemma there is one whom is not afraid to do something about it an that is the mayor of a small town in Hazleton Pa.
does an now we are here with the dilemma there is one whom is not afraid to do something about it an that is the mayor of a small town in Hazleton Pa.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Thursday, June 08, 2006
And now the cycle begins
First i must say kudoes to the mayor of the big easy on his reelection you have given a second chance to do the right thing,i dont envy you that job now you can make amens to those family
that lost their love ones.Now! the storms havent' even started yet an the levees already started to broke,who an what are working on those levies ,not the mighty corps.
Whatever happen to those people that came out on national tv and said the levie was blown up
to save those in the French Quarters?America we all know that Mighty corps engineers record
every project that they ever work on is a disaster their Buget is Billions of dollars an yet you
think by now some one would have gotten right it by now.America we all know that The Big
easy is a swamp land so why put a man made lake there?Now America the swamp land is
sinking into the sea Question what are they going to do,Answer nothing.If they did'nt help
the folks from those other storm Yes america people from Retia are still waiting for help
shame america you are helping other country yet you cant help your self
.Just my 2cents,much to do about nothing.
that lost their love ones.Now! the storms havent' even started yet an the levees already started to broke,who an what are working on those levies ,not the mighty corps.
Whatever happen to those people that came out on national tv and said the levie was blown up
to save those in the French Quarters?America we all know that Mighty corps engineers record
every project that they ever work on is a disaster their Buget is Billions of dollars an yet you
think by now some one would have gotten right it by now.America we all know that The Big
easy is a swamp land so why put a man made lake there?Now America the swamp land is
sinking into the sea Question what are they going to do,Answer nothing.If they did'nt help
the folks from those other storm Yes america people from Retia are still waiting for help
shame america you are helping other country yet you cant help your self
.Just my 2cents,much to do about nothing.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
head for the hill the alien is a coming
any one of you went to mexico no the real Mexico or Africa,well while you sleep america!george an his good old boys pass a water down law with loop hole so wide it ain't funny any more. These poor unfortunate usaly stay in one area now they are in every states, placeses you would'nt think they go to placeses like new york, florida an so on,these people are abracive uncouth true enough they work an some of
them are very skilled ,but what about the new breade the addict.
America it's going to be hell to pay when all these low end jobs are gone ,then with the system
already full.Try visit one of the free clinic or any thing free they will step on you like a bug for that service.King George recind that law you said it is not amnisty but it is shut it down,let immigration do their job the way they use to do it when blacks started migrating they use to hunt them down like dogs in their homes on jobes busses roof top early in the morning, you
see george i ask the question earlyer about mexico&africa, well here is the same way those folks
are living on those garbage heap trying to look for food that the same way we will be,if something is'nt done drunks on every corner deprave chrildren in the streets what next
america! the terroiss invasion,america think about the next 5 years think about your children future,not even the hill country is off limits.that all folks just my 2cents!
them are very skilled ,but what about the new breade the addict.
America it's going to be hell to pay when all these low end jobs are gone ,then with the system
already full.Try visit one of the free clinic or any thing free they will step on you like a bug for that service.King George recind that law you said it is not amnisty but it is shut it down,let immigration do their job the way they use to do it when blacks started migrating they use to hunt them down like dogs in their homes on jobes busses roof top early in the morning, you
see george i ask the question earlyer about mexico&africa, well here is the same way those folks
are living on those garbage heap trying to look for food that the same way we will be,if something is'nt done drunks on every corner deprave chrildren in the streets what next
america! the terroiss invasion,america think about the next 5 years think about your children future,not even the hill country is off limits.that all folks just my 2cents!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Mexico legalize Drugs
That right america!you hear right it is legal to use any kind of drugs in mexico
Mexico has a lot of resource but onley the rich benifit that one of the reason
why they allow the poor to leave for america they are too meny of them,
now about the drugs you see it is a form of retalation towards america sending back their illegal reject now america not onley get sober labour,now they get dope fein
to deal with, Mexico we have our own crack heads to deal with.King George!
now is the time to pass a strong immigration law to show the mexican Government you mean busniess so while you an your cronies are up on the hill
that is something to think about,those addict who is about to cross in to america Congress what are you going to do about this?mutch to do about nothing.
Mexico has a lot of resource but onley the rich benifit that one of the reason
why they allow the poor to leave for america they are too meny of them,
now about the drugs you see it is a form of retalation towards america sending back their illegal reject now america not onley get sober labour,now they get dope fein
to deal with, Mexico we have our own crack heads to deal with.King George!
now is the time to pass a strong immigration law to show the mexican Government you mean busniess so while you an your cronies are up on the hill
that is something to think about,those addict who is about to cross in to america Congress what are you going to do about this?mutch to do about nothing.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
The big easy
America after the storm the people of the big easy was scattered all across america some still
live on those cruise ships, yes america scattered like the children of isreal,the only different
they had god to watch over them the children of new orleans have King George! who dosent'
give a dam,The new storm season is upon them an still nothing done. Whatever happen to
the Jane Fonda's of the world that take up causes like these.
One good thing came out of it they are turning out to vote that's right use your god giving right
What happen to the Black community they have all that money an dont want to help Shame!
Shame!What happen to the Great Jessie Jackson? Al Sharpton, where are they i guest there is no money in it to speak out those are the news maker. Or maybe the were paid to keep quiet
think about it.
Big easy tell Jessie, an Al to shut the fuck up you dont need them now,I heard Jessie said
he will opose the election tell him go sit the fuck down when you needed him he was no where to be found. just my 2cents.much to do about nothing.
live on those cruise ships, yes america scattered like the children of isreal,the only different
they had god to watch over them the children of new orleans have King George! who dosent'
give a dam,The new storm season is upon them an still nothing done. Whatever happen to
the Jane Fonda's of the world that take up causes like these.
One good thing came out of it they are turning out to vote that's right use your god giving right
What happen to the Black community they have all that money an dont want to help Shame!
Shame!What happen to the Great Jessie Jackson? Al Sharpton, where are they i guest there is no money in it to speak out those are the news maker. Or maybe the were paid to keep quiet
think about it.
Big easy tell Jessie, an Al to shut the fuck up you dont need them now,I heard Jessie said
he will opose the election tell him go sit the fuck down when you needed him he was no where to be found. just my 2cents.much to do about nothing.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
America!a not too long ago i post a piece about the fat cat's in missippi now read for your self
click the link below.
Mississippi's two U.S. senators included $700 million in an emergency war spending bill to relocate a Gulf Coast rail line that has already been rebuilt after Hurricane Katrina at a cost of at least $250 million.
click the link below.
Mississippi's two U.S. senators included $700 million in an emergency war spending bill to relocate a Gulf Coast rail line that has already been rebuilt after Hurricane Katrina at a cost of at least $250 million.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Victims of Rita???????????
Whatever happen to the people of Rita do you know?well i do if you dont, america they are forgotten,America it is a dam shame a place like america to turn her back on her homeless
even in king george country the state of texas the victims of rita still haven't gotten no relief
not even from their insurance.Yet we are quick to interfere in other country affair an we
has problem at home.The reality to keep others from seeing us for who we realy are
so we keep medling abroad while our domestic afair goes to pot,much to do about nothing just my2cents.
even in king george country the state of texas the victims of rita still haven't gotten no relief
not even from their insurance.Yet we are quick to interfere in other country affair an we
has problem at home.The reality to keep others from seeing us for who we realy are
so we keep medling abroad while our domestic afair goes to pot,much to do about nothing just my2cents.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
wait end on rules katrina
People i haven't' seen any thing like king george is giving the folks more money
to rebuild the levee on the other hand he is saying he dont know if it is worth the trouble
it's like seeing a man drowns an you give him a straw an say hold on i'll be back
such fuckrey. America is one of the most richest nation in the world technologically
an moneterly wise what is the problem?fix the fucking place,what is the problem?
is it because they are people of color why we don't give a dam?
People of color rise up an let them give a dam do as your mexican brothers did
they rose up to let them know that they must give a dam, but first people of
color you got to wake up an take your noeses out of jim crow ass then you
could tell him how you feel.much to do about nothing just my 2cent:
to rebuild the levee on the other hand he is saying he dont know if it is worth the trouble
it's like seeing a man drowns an you give him a straw an say hold on i'll be back
such fuckrey. America is one of the most richest nation in the world technologically
an moneterly wise what is the problem?fix the fucking place,what is the problem?
is it because they are people of color why we don't give a dam?
People of color rise up an let them give a dam do as your mexican brothers did
they rose up to let them know that they must give a dam, but first people of
color you got to wake up an take your noeses out of jim crow ass then you
could tell him how you feel.much to do about nothing just my 2cent:
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
New Orleans Votes
That's right America the people of the people of the big easy has gone to the poles.Congrats to
that one lady who travel 700 mils,just to vote even thou there was some who was next door in texas who did'nt saw the significant of it to go home an vote, the idea was to show the Politician
that you wont take it no more People of color get up off your asses make an effort that is your enailable right.Fuck take a page from the Mexicans,they are not afraid to express them self.
Even thou they are here ilegal,People of colour if you stand up, stand up an be counted
the jim crow days will be gone!Unite demonstrate,Vote these tools are at your disposal use them
People fo colour come togather,do you still have that jim crow mentality he cant hurt you
any more,People of the big easy look at the differetce a storm passes through a few states
resently the next day they cleaning up what does that tell you?it tell's me that they dont give a Dam about you.It has been 8mth that is too long,so exersise the right god gave you dont be afraid use it the mexican did just
my 2cents!
that one lady who travel 700 mils,just to vote even thou there was some who was next door in texas who did'nt saw the significant of it to go home an vote, the idea was to show the Politician
that you wont take it no more People of color get up off your asses make an effort that is your enailable right.Fuck take a page from the Mexicans,they are not afraid to express them self.
Even thou they are here ilegal,People of colour if you stand up, stand up an be counted
the jim crow days will be gone!Unite demonstrate,Vote these tools are at your disposal use them
People fo colour come togather,do you still have that jim crow mentality he cant hurt you
any more,People of the big easy look at the differetce a storm passes through a few states
resently the next day they cleaning up what does that tell you?it tell's me that they dont give a Dam about you.It has been 8mth that is too long,so exersise the right god gave you dont be afraid use it the mexican did just
my 2cents!
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Whatever happen to that good old chase that hiding an ducking like a rabbit from the immigration back in the early 50/60.When the illegal people of color often get caught
in obscure places like rooftop, closet, in barrell i remember this one time there was an
midday raid on a factory this fella ask his coworker to hide him so he was lock up
in a warm container an was lift on the assembly line untill after lunch oh i
forgot to mention that it was a place where they recycle barrell's america the law was every where.
They would find you like a blood hound, any way that day after the raid this coworker
had forgoten what he had done around lunch time so he went back to work started up the
line then heard some noise an went to investigate found out that was his friend, he had seald up in the barrell folks he almost die.
My point of this story is that these people has no fear no more because our government dosent'
an yes we the people alow it to happen because the labour is cheap now they are running around
like ants,Now what is king george going to do with two million illegals when the start to demand hire wages if he keep pushing his agenda,Oh yes i am sorry he wont be there for too long
his term is almost up so who cares? he certainley dosent or else he an his cronies would have never let two million illegal march on the capoitol it should have bin a round up of sort,see america that how they are, Proud like a Pecock just my 2cents !
in obscure places like rooftop, closet, in barrell i remember this one time there was an
midday raid on a factory this fella ask his coworker to hide him so he was lock up
in a warm container an was lift on the assembly line untill after lunch oh i
forgot to mention that it was a place where they recycle barrell's america the law was every where.
They would find you like a blood hound, any way that day after the raid this coworker
had forgoten what he had done around lunch time so he went back to work started up the
line then heard some noise an went to investigate found out that was his friend, he had seald up in the barrell folks he almost die.
My point of this story is that these people has no fear no more because our government dosent'
an yes we the people alow it to happen because the labour is cheap now they are running around
like ants,Now what is king george going to do with two million illegals when the start to demand hire wages if he keep pushing his agenda,Oh yes i am sorry he wont be there for too long
his term is almost up so who cares? he certainley dosent or else he an his cronies would have never let two million illegal march on the capoitol it should have bin a round up of sort,see america that how they are, Proud like a Pecock just my 2cents !
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
To add insult to injury
America! i know i will never be one of the top ten bloggers or get 25 hits pre day
but i hope some one is reading,Now what do they intend to do with New Orleans?
Are they going to turn it in a resort town for the elite?what are they going to do
america?You see they just close one of the oldest instution down there.
Yes i am talking about the chiraty hospital they are claiming there is too much asbestos,
according to " said Dr. James Moises, a former emergency room physician who resigned from the Louisiana State University-run Charity Hospital system so he could speak at the rally without violating a gag order imposed by hospital administrators.
"Reopening our public hospital right now is the right thing to do," Moises said.
The crowd of about 100 called Saturday for an independent group of architects and engineers to evaluate the building, saying they're skeptical of the findings by an LSU-hired consulting firm.
LSU is working with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to build a shared medical center in New Orleans. Hospital officials said it likely would be five years before the medical center could open.People of the big easy they dont want you all back but the best way to say it is to close the hospital you see publicly they will say to come back if they dont the funds will stop flow,so that
is their way of saying stay out:
Black people stand up an be counted march on the capitol of the big easy an in the city
let them know you wont take it march like those elegal Mexican did fearless
even tho they knew threre may be a chance that they could bin pick up they still march
you have nothing to fear it is your right exersise them the same way the Mexican did.
Stop accpting the 2sec. class citizinship Where is Jessy Jackson ask to do this one for
charity where are the Prominent Black leaders with a voice speak up! much to do about nothing.
but i hope some one is reading,Now what do they intend to do with New Orleans?
Are they going to turn it in a resort town for the elite?what are they going to do
america?You see they just close one of the oldest instution down there.
Yes i am talking about the chiraty hospital they are claiming there is too much asbestos,
according to " said Dr. James Moises, a former emergency room physician who resigned from the Louisiana State University-run Charity Hospital system so he could speak at the rally without violating a gag order imposed by hospital administrators.
"Reopening our public hospital right now is the right thing to do," Moises said.
The crowd of about 100 called Saturday for an independent group of architects and engineers to evaluate the building, saying they're skeptical of the findings by an LSU-hired consulting firm.
LSU is working with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to build a shared medical center in New Orleans. Hospital officials said it likely would be five years before the medical center could open.People of the big easy they dont want you all back but the best way to say it is to close the hospital you see publicly they will say to come back if they dont the funds will stop flow,so that
is their way of saying stay out:
Black people stand up an be counted march on the capitol of the big easy an in the city
let them know you wont take it march like those elegal Mexican did fearless
even tho they knew threre may be a chance that they could bin pick up they still march
you have nothing to fear it is your right exersise them the same way the Mexican did.
Stop accpting the 2sec. class citizinship Where is Jessy Jackson ask to do this one for
charity where are the Prominent Black leaders with a voice speak up! much to do about nothing.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Mexican over run
America! first i must apologies to the few that are here legal then there are the ones
that walk across they come in they think there better than people of color if you
meet them on public transport they want to take up both seats, when they take
a job now they want that high paying job no more $5 job they want that$30.job
not onley the big conglomerate are hiding them america look in the hispanic community
you would be suprise how meny made up that protest march last week,
you know somethimes i think they forget came from an what they were doing ,you meet them in the street
or the moivies they would try an walk over you if you let them, there is nothing wrong to
try an better your self but remember who you are an where you came from .
America the resources are drying up enough is enough do some thing do something
the mexican government is encouraging them to leave because they themself do
not have the resource,do you know that the money they make dont stay in the country
well who is losing an who is gaining do the mat cronies that is why the budget is going up.
vote the right way stop the madness,up there on the hill.
that walk across they come in they think there better than people of color if you
meet them on public transport they want to take up both seats, when they take
a job now they want that high paying job no more $5 job they want that$30.job
not onley the big conglomerate are hiding them america look in the hispanic community
you would be suprise how meny made up that protest march last week,
you know somethimes i think they forget came from an what they were doing ,you meet them in the street
or the moivies they would try an walk over you if you let them, there is nothing wrong to
try an better your self but remember who you are an where you came from .
America the resources are drying up enough is enough do some thing do something
the mexican government is encouraging them to leave because they themself do
not have the resource,do you know that the money they make dont stay in the country
well who is losing an who is gaining do the mat cronies that is why the budget is going up.
vote the right way stop the madness,up there on the hill.
Friday, March 24, 2006
A little town call Cameron in new orleans
Before Katrina there was a Rita! whatever happen to the victims of that disaster?
have bin forgoten swept out to sea so to speak,well here is one little town of
2,500 now there is onley 200 left a town america forgot.
Yes america how soon we forget this is the same way theDubi Port deal will slide
back in under our noses because we has a short memory ,how could we forget
our own people right here in america is it because it is not news worthy,
the media wont sell commercial.
Come on america this was a town that had 2,500 people they all move out
because it look like the war zone of Irack after Rita this was a place where folks
fish for a living.Now there is onley 200 left is the america we know an love
treating her citizins like 3rd world as she like to call under privilage country
come on america what is to become of those folks along the coast
that got caught by Rita King georg have you no mercy?
have bin forgoten swept out to sea so to speak,well here is one little town of
2,500 now there is onley 200 left a town america forgot.
Yes america how soon we forget this is the same way theDubi Port deal will slide
back in under our noses because we has a short memory ,how could we forget
our own people right here in america is it because it is not news worthy,
the media wont sell commercial.
Come on america this was a town that had 2,500 people they all move out
because it look like the war zone of Irack after Rita this was a place where folks
fish for a living.Now there is onley 200 left is the america we know an love
treating her citizins like 3rd world as she like to call under privilage country
come on america what is to become of those folks along the coast
that got caught by Rita King georg have you no mercy?
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
America! This is my question to you, Do you trust the folks that is watching over our food?
If it come down to the bottom line an your health whom do you think will win?
if you said yes to the first question then you are a fool.
You see america this mad cow disaese is a very serious thing, what else is going on that we
dont know about in the meat industriers? we have heard of ecoli in the meat an other,
Bacteria. America is the standard set too low by theUSD for inspection.
America! my hat's off to that meat company in Kansas they are asking the Department of
Agriculture for better inspection in the meat industery especialy with this Bovine Disease,
it said if they dont get results they are willing to take the Dpt of Agri, to court.
Folks i like it that someone is trying to make a difference,But who are they protecting?
their bottom line our health? To me does'nt matter as long as doing the right thing.
An that is keep the Public safe an healthy Kudo's to the folks of kansas meat company.
Will they do the same thing when the bird flue get's here?that is hide the truth hello america!just my 2cents.
If it come down to the bottom line an your health whom do you think will win?
if you said yes to the first question then you are a fool.
You see america this mad cow disaese is a very serious thing, what else is going on that we
dont know about in the meat industriers? we have heard of ecoli in the meat an other,
Bacteria. America is the standard set too low by theUSD for inspection.
America! my hat's off to that meat company in Kansas they are asking the Department of
Agriculture for better inspection in the meat industery especialy with this Bovine Disease,
it said if they dont get results they are willing to take the Dpt of Agri, to court.
Folks i like it that someone is trying to make a difference,But who are they protecting?
their bottom line our health? To me does'nt matter as long as doing the right thing.
An that is keep the Public safe an healthy Kudo's to the folks of kansas meat company.
Will they do the same thing when the bird flue get's here?that is hide the truth hello america!just my 2cents.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
New Orleans rebuilt
America! it is election time just about every where in the united states so the mayor of the big easy came up with an idea to let the folks back in to the 9th ward,to rebuild. Folks here is the kicker they will rebuild at their own risk no mention of filing in the area no mention of reinforcing the levy folks!
before the plan was to fill the land in an make a park that did'nt go down too good,in some area well i say use that same resorce for
the folks if you have to charge a Small fee for the fill aplyed towards their taxes fine, but dont say build at your own risk,America i never heard such fuckrey in my entire life A fucking Mayor would say build at your own risk. Well i say it is election time get him out dont stop there the governor too,
go to the pole an vote that is your right New Orleans, go back allright to vote them out .
just my 2cents! flow this link to get the full story:
before the plan was to fill the land in an make a park that did'nt go down too good,in some area well i say use that same resorce for
the folks if you have to charge a Small fee for the fill aplyed towards their taxes fine, but dont say build at your own risk,America i never heard such fuckrey in my entire life A fucking Mayor would say build at your own risk. Well i say it is election time get him out dont stop there the governor too,
go to the pole an vote that is your right New Orleans, go back allright to vote them out .
just my 2cents! flow this link to get the full story:
Monday, March 20, 2006
On the lighter side
Folks! even though my vocabulary may not be up to mark or gramaticaly correct or in the right context,
i urge you to read any way,because these are not things you will get in main stream media.
Even so i offer no excuse or apoligy if you dont like it move along.
Recently i have bin looking at some streaming viedo from several news media even though
some of feed are not good quality there is still room for inprovement an it is my opinion that
they are here to stay our Tv will be a thing of the pass what do you think america.
The secretary of the interior was up an running today she said thy was gearing up for the
Pandemic. But America would'nt it be better if they gave the resources to the indivual states
Yes! america take it out of the cronies hands because all they will do is fuck it up like Katerina.
What you think america? just my 2cents!and mutch to do about nothing.
i urge you to read any way,because these are not things you will get in main stream media.
Even so i offer no excuse or apoligy if you dont like it move along.
Recently i have bin looking at some streaming viedo from several news media even though
some of feed are not good quality there is still room for inprovement an it is my opinion that
they are here to stay our Tv will be a thing of the pass what do you think america.
The secretary of the interior was up an running today she said thy was gearing up for the
Pandemic. But America would'nt it be better if they gave the resources to the indivual states
Yes! america take it out of the cronies hands because all they will do is fuck it up like Katerina.
What you think america? just my 2cents!and mutch to do about nothing.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
When will it end six month too long
America!enough is enough! why these folks dont go ahead an clean up the fucking place
Folks this is America! where did went wrong is it because the folks are people of color
why the government are not doing any thing?Now if this would have happen in any other
Country America would have call them 3rd world an uncivilized.So now what are we?
Big easy, if you are not going to clean it up then make the fucking Place into a dump
The Governor an Mayor of the big easy need get up off their asses an do something
because king george is not going to do any more but point his finger to the good old boys! on the hill.So mayor you are people of color? six mth is too long set the people free.Dont forget that is Democrat country
making us look bad.Just m2cents!much to do about nothing.
Folks this is America! where did went wrong is it because the folks are people of color
why the government are not doing any thing?Now if this would have happen in any other
Country America would have call them 3rd world an uncivilized.So now what are we?
Big easy, if you are not going to clean it up then make the fucking Place into a dump
The Governor an Mayor of the big easy need get up off their asses an do something
because king george is not going to do any more but point his finger to the good old boys! on the hill.So mayor you are people of color? six mth is too long set the people free.Dont forget that is Democrat country
making us look bad.Just m2cents!much to do about nothing.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
BIRD/FLU in America early as fall
just my 2cents!
To whom the Dubi consortium is selling their intrest to?
are they selling to a puppet company.
Did you know that half of these containers are not being inspecter
when they enter US port what is homeland security doing?
CHEW ON THAT YOU LIBERALS,much to do about nothing.
just my 2cents!
To whom the Dubi consortium is selling their intrest to?
are they selling to a puppet company.
Did you know that half of these containers are not being inspecter
when they enter US port what is homeland security doing?
CHEW ON THAT YOU LIBERALS,much to do about nothing.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Abandon mad Cow inspection!
America! I am out rage to say the lease, when these fat cat is saying that is not cost effective,
to inspect the food chain for mad cow decease.the found 3more in the chain is this way they are going to do it when the Pandemic hit America? i said it once an i say it again onley the wealthy will survive when a mass epidemic hit america,it will be every man for himself an god for us all simple example,
Hurricain Katrenia see the way they handle the folks,they misinform them it is sad america.
America do you mean to tell me that the USDA, an the MEAT industry care more about the bottom line than our health? speak out america boycot the meat an poultery industry an see how they will like it , penny to a dollar they willl set a better standard ,where are those liberals?
that like to protest on topic like abortion,sensorship of the airways here is something for ya!
MAD COW DECEASE!Chew on that this your health,ALL you holy an thou chew on that or maybe you dont care.
to inspect the food chain for mad cow decease.the found 3more in the chain is this way they are going to do it when the Pandemic hit America? i said it once an i say it again onley the wealthy will survive when a mass epidemic hit america,it will be every man for himself an god for us all simple example,
Hurricain Katrenia see the way they handle the folks,they misinform them it is sad america.
America do you mean to tell me that the USDA, an the MEAT industry care more about the bottom line than our health? speak out america boycot the meat an poultery industry an see how they will like it , penny to a dollar they willl set a better standard ,where are those liberals?
that like to protest on topic like abortion,sensorship of the airways here is something for ya!
MAD COW DECEASE!Chew on that this your health,ALL you holy an thou chew on that or maybe you dont care.
Monday, March 13, 2006
AMERICA! what are they not saying they said one cow is found in the state of alabama
one, come on america, is it because the meat industery dont want to lose its profit margin
why they are claming onley one mad cow? are we to suffer @ the expense of profit margin?
they claim that none has reach the food chain, where have i heard that one? dont worry we are safe.Yes mad cow decease is in america where there is one there is another . just my 2cent, much to do about nothing.
one, come on america, is it because the meat industery dont want to lose its profit margin
why they are claming onley one mad cow? are we to suffer @ the expense of profit margin?
they claim that none has reach the food chain, where have i heard that one? dont worry we are safe.Yes mad cow decease is in america where there is one there is another . just my 2cent, much to do about nothing.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Oil! Oil! everyhware.
America! as if we dont have enough problem with Gass Prices, It's bin reported that we have one of the biggest oil spil in america! bigger than Exon Valdise spill.Now havent we learn to
becareful with that stuff seam to me like someone should have a monitor on those pipe lines
what an impack it will be on the enviroment again oh! i forget king george dosent care about
the enviroment that is why he an his cronies gave the big oil companies the ok to explore drill
sites up there in alaska.Yes the spill is in alaska again bin said it is cause from aPipe line.
Just my 2cents!
America! the storm is still brewing King george is still talking about the Port deal.
keep it on the front burner dont forget they might slide it in while we are asleap
You see the Dubi consortium might get a front to buy it in secret so please america
dont go to sleep on this. much to do about nothing.
becareful with that stuff seam to me like someone should have a monitor on those pipe lines
what an impack it will be on the enviroment again oh! i forget king george dosent care about
the enviroment that is why he an his cronies gave the big oil companies the ok to explore drill
sites up there in alaska.Yes the spill is in alaska again bin said it is cause from aPipe line.
Just my 2cents!
America! the storm is still brewing King george is still talking about the Port deal.
keep it on the front burner dont forget they might slide it in while we are asleap
You see the Dubi consortium might get a front to buy it in secret so please america
dont go to sleep on this. much to do about nothing.
Friday, March 10, 2006
America! the deal is off for now! Dubi will not get ports,But answer these question why is King George still pushing it?What is in it for the good old Boy Network?Cheaper oil I am all for that hell yea.But i draw the line when it comes to our saftey you dont make fucking deals like that.How meny other deals that we dont know about is taking place?America remind these folks on the hill that , they work for us not the other way around, come election day.Kudos! to the good old boys on the hill they had some kind of stone they stood up to king george for once,But dont let him send that school yard bully to intervene.just my 2cents.
Mississippi Reversal of Fortue
A merica!if this not a case of exploitation i dont know what is, first off the Mayor of Biloxi got on national tv he said" we dont want no outsider in his town we will takecare of our own"
well he had all wright to say so because he knew what he was doing,You see America that part of the country some of the folks are slow so if you give some a few dollars they are happy.Now this what happen they got that little money they are still living squala.
Because they are @ the Casino.
The Mayor geting rich how you say? having the casino open on a larger scale,
Selling folks Property for $2 Million an acre yes one acre of land cost $2 million.
now the poor folks of Biloxi got that little money from fema dont know better because they are dense
every night @the tables gambling that little money away now what happen,
they are still in track houses because the money is gone while the rest of folk getting
rich.much to do about nothing.use this link it will explain
well he had all wright to say so because he knew what he was doing,You see America that part of the country some of the folks are slow so if you give some a few dollars they are happy.Now this what happen they got that little money they are still living squala.
Because they are @ the Casino.
The Mayor geting rich how you say? having the casino open on a larger scale,
Selling folks Property for $2 Million an acre yes one acre of land cost $2 million.
now the poor folks of Biloxi got that little money from fema dont know better because they are dense
every night @the tables gambling that little money away now what happen,
they are still in track houses because the money is gone while the rest of folk getting
rich.much to do about nothing.use this link it will explain
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Hell! no Deal on Port
America it is not enough for them to give up adminstrative position on ports deal they should'nt own the ports at all,A what is to stop them from taking over after the storm quiet down,or keep the us company as a puppet. america tell george an his cronies to go to hell ,no deal we has one wepon use it.Election is comming use it!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
KING George revisit the big easy
America why is he back there is it shame an confusion,America i am not even going to coment,
just take a look @ this link an form your own conclusion.I think he look like a kid just got out from school an want to play in the yard.any way use the link, just my
Remember! Pearl! Harbour.
Acordin to Cnn KIng george cronie had some ball's today even though he said he will veto the bill
but America remember Pearl,Harbour nothing could have come in or out ,do want america to be held Hostage, if you sell out. what if there is a conflict an the Arabs decide one day well the fleet cannot enter or leave the harbour or fly out of our own airport what happen? any see this link.
Remermber pearl!
write congress.
just take a look @ this link an form your own conclusion.I think he look like a kid just got out from school an want to play in the yard.any way use the link, just my
Remember! Pearl! Harbour.
Acordin to Cnn KIng george cronie had some ball's today even though he said he will veto the bill
but America remember Pearl,Harbour nothing could have come in or out ,do want america to be held Hostage, if you sell out. what if there is a conflict an the Arabs decide one day well the fleet cannot enter or leave the harbour or fly out of our own airport what happen? any see this link.
Remermber pearl!
write congress.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
America! an now it begin.Whenever there it an tragedy in america whom else to exploit the sitution but another american onley in your misery will he try an dick you,Yes the Vulture's
are circling america!With the Pandemic in wings they are comming out of the woodwork
so becareful america, dont buy nothing out there that they claim to cure all,You see I have
gotten couple email saying it's good for the Bird flue. America! they are selling Vitimins.
It's a sad Day America! for us to try an exploit each other in these sad times.IT'S A BLACK
are circling america!With the Pandemic in wings they are comming out of the woodwork
so becareful america, dont buy nothing out there that they claim to cure all,You see I have
gotten couple email saying it's good for the Bird flue. America! they are selling Vitimins.
It's a sad Day America! for us to try an exploit each other in these sad times.IT'S A BLACK
School yard Bully
America! he is @ it again first he shot his buddy didnt' tell his boss because he taught he didnt'
have to.Now he is over there stiring the Pot with Iran,now you know those folks dont think nothing about life, Leave those Fucking crazey folks alone,Where was he when they was
trying to acquire the material to make these product.I say it's too late now,its like
the Fox in the hen you know what i am talking about.leave them the Fuck alone,
an just monitor have enough to do@ home with the Pandemic around
the corner.sad day america Just my 2cents! much to do about nothing.
have to.Now he is over there stiring the Pot with Iran,now you know those folks dont think nothing about life, Leave those Fucking crazey folks alone,Where was he when they was
trying to acquire the material to make these product.I say it's too late now,its like
the Fox in the hen you know what i am talking about.leave them the Fuck alone,
an just monitor have enough to do@ home with the Pandemic around
the corner.sad day america Just my 2cents! much to do about nothing.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Bird Flu
America! Look around you Folks is dropping like flies,are we next?Are we prepard for the
Pandemic that is around the corner?What are going to do america?Tis a sad day America.
much to do about nothing.
Pandemic that is around the corner?What are going to do america?Tis a sad day America.
much to do about nothing.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
The world with out water
America! invision the Usa with out water,what would you do,not too long ago i rote a piece on water an Pandemic in america,look at a simple storm like reta what did we do? did it work out no .Politics took over in turn the folks are suffering.Well america toss the politician out,an start Prepare for that time when there is a drought or a pandemic or we the poor folks will all suffer
America onley the well to do will survive,it's time to do something before it reach that point america,Ask the cronies to do something election time is around the corner.just my 2cents.
ON a fresh note the time for water conservation is here ,stop water polution by the big company's use it like it is your last drop!America acording to the National Geographic,
Africa will be a desert all her rivers will be dried up in the not too distant feature,What
does that has to do with us? some might say nothing,But you see america it is a desease
call grean house gass so if we dont talk to the Cronies on the hill now,then that will be our destiny.
much to do about nothing!justmy2cents.
America onley the well to do will survive,it's time to do something before it reach that point america,Ask the cronies to do something election time is around the corner.just my 2cents.
ON a fresh note the time for water conservation is here ,stop water polution by the big company's use it like it is your last drop!America acording to the National Geographic,
Africa will be a desert all her rivers will be dried up in the not too distant feature,What
does that has to do with us? some might say nothing,But you see america it is a desease
call grean house gass so if we dont talk to the Cronies on the hill now,then that will be our destiny.
much to do about nothing!justmy2cents.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Eye scan
America! when you think you heard an see it all just around the corner there is a twist.
Folks will do any thing in the name of security,Have any one heard of a little Town,
call New Egypt?Well they apply for a $370.000 grant.A grant that the people of new orleans an mississippi could well used,anyway these folks said the need security in an elementarey school
so they went out an baught the best money could buy the state of the arts $370.000 worth i
talking about an eye scan, why does an Elementary school need an eye scan? is it a government
front an we dont know? Do you know how hard for some one to get a grant,enough said america! just my 2cents.
Folks will do any thing in the name of security,Have any one heard of a little Town,
call New Egypt?Well they apply for a $370.000 grant.A grant that the people of new orleans an mississippi could well used,anyway these folks said the need security in an elementarey school
so they went out an baught the best money could buy the state of the arts $370.000 worth i
talking about an eye scan, why does an Elementary school need an eye scan? is it a government
front an we dont know? Do you know how hard for some one to get a grant,enough said america! just my 2cents.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Mardi Gras
America its ashame the media is showing folks in the big easy Celibratin ,an the asshole there dont give a dam about the rest of folks who dont have any ware to live Yes i am talking about the ones in motels' an on cruse ships that is about to get put out now how could party ? have
you no in the french quarters you........Anyway nothing has change havent' you all learn anything.oh well.
you no in the french quarters you........Anyway nothing has change havent' you all learn anything.oh well.
KING George is offer a Bribe
America ! answer these question,Why the arabs want our Ports so badley.
If you know the answer then march on washington tell George hell! no,
it not too late.If you dont know the answer, then mine is To hold America
Hostage Sad day America.Acording nbc news George was offer a bribe.
that how bad they want the ports,wake up America.
If you know the answer then march on washington tell George hell! no,
it not too late.If you dont know the answer, then mine is To hold America
Hostage Sad day America.Acording nbc news George was offer a bribe.
that how bad they want the ports,wake up America.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Prepare for a Pandemic in America
Yes! america the title speak for it self,we can interfare with other country's problem but we
cant help our self,too busy fucking with the arab oil, so i beg you to use this link. an hear what Mr Mike Leavitt has to say, he is the secetary of health of these united states, George these are things you should be looking in to
the people's health not selling the country or bullying your way in other people's house clean up the mess. just my 2cents america! I am sorry for not linking you direct to the health page.
cant help our self,too busy fucking with the arab oil, so i beg you to use this link. an hear what Mr Mike Leavitt has to say, he is the secetary of health of these united states, George these are things you should be looking in to
the people's health not selling the country or bullying your way in other people's house clean up the mess. just my 2cents america! I am sorry for not linking you direct to the health page.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
No Subject no
America! while you are out on your abortion frenzey not to say it not is important you christian liberals but while you are making an ass of your self King George an his good old boys! your friends, is Selling the Country out from under us,think about that while you are out there holding those signs on abortion, think about the seaport that you wont have think about the airport, think about the Privelages you are giving up.If that is not an abortion, i dont know what is. It's a sad day it's a black day America just my 2cents.
It's bin said that Chlamydia!
Chlamydia is one of the most common STIs - and usually goes untreated. This factsheet from fpa explains how to spot the symptoms and where to go for help if you think you may be infected.
An these are some of the ways you can catch it.
So all you wantbe lovers out there teanager student becareful out there, Now christian liberals help me with those problems. haa! just my 2cents america!
It's bin said that Chlamydia!
Chlamydia is one of the most common STIs - and usually goes untreated. This factsheet from fpa explains how to spot the symptoms and where to go for help if you think you may be infected.
An these are some of the ways you can catch it.
So all you wantbe lovers out there teanager student becareful out there, Now christian liberals help me with those problems. haa! just my 2cents america!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
King george you got caught again
King George, answer these question dou think you are still on the ranch after 6 years,
Do you think you are working for your self?
What were you thinking when you made that Deal?
Didnt' you would of gotten caught?
America acorden to msn they say george didnt know about the deal.
Come on people that is his house every thing goes on in there he knows,
In fact i took it on myself an took a pole to day an all five hundred people
said he knew,he is fucking us with the little time he has left.just my2cent.
Do you think you are working for your self?
What were you thinking when you made that Deal?
Didnt' you would of gotten caught?
America acorden to msn they say george didnt know about the deal.
Come on people that is his house every thing goes on in there he knows,
In fact i took it on myself an took a pole to day an all five hundred people
said he knew,he is fucking us with the little time he has left.just my2cent.
AMERICA are you a prostitute
America! America! was a sad day when you gave king george Power resently i ask king george to close the barn door before it too late,Here we are worrid about terro an on ther hand George is giving the store away,Afew years ago we stood by an watch Forign National,
Buy up our Company's Yes america are you hore? pull your fucking dress down before its' too late.Folks did you know That there is a few of our Airport are Manage by Forign Nationals?
You see folks the reason we will forever get fuck is because we love the Almighty Dollar.
George ran the country dam near broke fucking with those people in the middle east,
Now he is selling us off to put back that money America you dont need Homeland Security
when george is selling Our Sea Port to the arabs are we that dense?America have you ever watch those terrois movies,well it will be a reality in a few weeeks if not days if you let this sea port deal go through hell if you are giving The Arabs cart blanch you dont let Fidel Castro! in while you are at it before he dies,The ports is where they will be comming in
from that where our weakness lies this the invasion of Europe all over again .George
are your cronies so denst they cant see? Sad day america.
Buy up our Company's Yes america are you hore? pull your fucking dress down before its' too late.Folks did you know That there is a few of our Airport are Manage by Forign Nationals?
You see folks the reason we will forever get fuck is because we love the Almighty Dollar.
George ran the country dam near broke fucking with those people in the middle east,
Now he is selling us off to put back that money America you dont need Homeland Security
when george is selling Our Sea Port to the arabs are we that dense?America have you ever watch those terrois movies,well it will be a reality in a few weeeks if not days if you let this sea port deal go through hell if you are giving The Arabs cart blanch you dont let Fidel Castro! in while you are at it before he dies,The ports is where they will be comming in
from that where our weakness lies this the invasion of Europe all over again .George
are your cronies so denst they cant see? Sad day america.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

KUDO'S KUDO'S KUDO'S! New orleans,you are on your way now you have some thing,
to Celebrate king george an Cronie's came through now!It is time to call your children ,home
so they could help clean up their home.Kudo's again but dont forget your Brothers an sisters in
Mississippi put in a word for them.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Thanks! King George
America! its' a good day there is a light at the end of the tunnel for the folks in the Big easy.
King George an his Cronies on the hill came up with $4.2 Billion DOLLORS set a side for
the BIG EASY! KUDOS KING GEORGE,kudos to you and your cronies bout time.
It took you six month but kudo.
America this is how it will work out for the folks down there they will set up a commitee
then you have to go and identfy your self. You have a choice IF dont want to re build
they have a buy out plan here is the kicker even if your home valued more than $150,000
folks that is all you are getting.
It has bin gustimate 1,3000 lives were lost in the disaster my heart goes out to those familey,
America! the money is still not enough the place is still under water an the smell wow!
Now! a word to Gov.Blanco and Mayor. Nagin, make sure the folks get that money an,
not some of your good old boys network,or some folks you all owe money to Thats' the peoples money.Stop belly acing a go to work, Gov an Mayor you got the cash.just my 2cents.
King George an his Cronies on the hill came up with $4.2 Billion DOLLORS set a side for
the BIG EASY! KUDOS KING GEORGE,kudos to you and your cronies bout time.
It took you six month but kudo.
America this is how it will work out for the folks down there they will set up a commitee
then you have to go and identfy your self. You have a choice IF dont want to re build
they have a buy out plan here is the kicker even if your home valued more than $150,000
folks that is all you are getting.
It has bin gustimate 1,3000 lives were lost in the disaster my heart goes out to those familey,
America! the money is still not enough the place is still under water an the smell wow!
Now! a word to Gov.Blanco and Mayor. Nagin, make sure the folks get that money an,
not some of your good old boys network,or some folks you all owe money to Thats' the peoples money.Stop belly acing a go to work, Gov an Mayor you got the cash.just my 2cents.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
King George clean up the mess
America! what is king george doing up on the hill is he just buying time until it is up,
Well America it is a sad day when one of your mayor of a Laarge city like New orleans
has to go out side the united states for relife aide help build back its city oh and
dont forget Mississippi they too got caugt up in the storm have we forgoten them too?
America! we are talking Home land Security, Now if the folks have leave the country for forign aid whom do you think will offer aid indirectly?Americaisnt tht a way for them to get in to
america legaly think KING GEORGE close the Barn doors now not after you let them ithen you want to close it.I think you and your Cronies should look in to this Clo9se the Dam barn door before it is too late. while New orleans is still belong to the usa close the Dam door!Clean up the mess @home George dont bring the shit on shore.much to do about nothing! Just my 2cents.
America! there is another Disaster around the corner dont wait untill it happen write every one
that could help us congress army core of enginear do the protest thing any thing that will help
vote any thing,yes america i am talking about the great flood plains of Missouri.just my 2cents.
On the lighter side america Seientists found more new species in the jungle of indonesia folks while you are there please dont fuck things up dont rape the land be a guest not a fucking animal just my 2cents.
Well America it is a sad day when one of your mayor of a Laarge city like New orleans
has to go out side the united states for relife aide help build back its city oh and
dont forget Mississippi they too got caugt up in the storm have we forgoten them too?
America! we are talking Home land Security, Now if the folks have leave the country for forign aid whom do you think will offer aid indirectly?Americaisnt tht a way for them to get in to
america legaly think KING GEORGE close the Barn doors now not after you let them ithen you want to close it.I think you and your Cronies should look in to this Clo9se the Dam barn door before it is too late. while New orleans is still belong to the usa close the Dam door!Clean up the mess @home George dont bring the shit on shore.much to do about nothing! Just my 2cents.
America! there is another Disaster around the corner dont wait untill it happen write every one
that could help us congress army core of enginear do the protest thing any thing that will help
vote any thing,yes america i am talking about the great flood plains of Missouri.just my 2cents.
On the lighter side america Seientists found more new species in the jungle of indonesia folks while you are there please dont fuck things up dont rape the land be a guest not a fucking animal just my 2cents.
Friday, February 17, 2006
America! this is where it get intresting here is Yahoo! MSN! Google! There all good search in their own rite,do you know who is taking care of your Privicy when you search ?Hell no!
you see folks Yahoo! MSN! sold you out to king George an his cronies on the hill,
so they taught those two little bad boys@ Google would do the same,
well America those two boys cant do that other wise big brother would discover their
little dirty secret in which they are using the infomation that they gather on us.
MSN! YAHOO! TAKE NOTE,you could go a long way take a page from google,
dont be in a hurry to sell the little guys out, AFTER ALL WE TRUSTED YOU ALL.
PRINCIPLES,one day you might need google to support you on something .
Google why did you sold out the folks in china.just my 2cents!
you see folks Yahoo! MSN! sold you out to king George an his cronies on the hill,
so they taught those two little bad boys@ Google would do the same,
well America those two boys cant do that other wise big brother would discover their
little dirty secret in which they are using the infomation that they gather on us.
MSN! YAHOO! TAKE NOTE,you could go a long way take a page from google,
dont be in a hurry to sell the little guys out, AFTER ALL WE TRUSTED YOU ALL.
PRINCIPLES,one day you might need google to support you on something .
Google why did you sold out the folks in china.just my 2cents!

As they get ready to be festive in parts of the big easy and around the united states where the displace New orleans, Poor an homeless people live, you cant but help but wonder what king George has in mind for those that are Displace.Even thou they are getting ready to celebrate,America it will never be the the same.The cronies in washington are debating what to
do or trying to place the blame on who was wrong or right,enough already let my people go!While they are restless around these united states,the big wigs down there are making plans to make a theme park that doese'nt include the wondering gipsy or the poor folks of the big easy, it will never be the samethe boston globe has a big article on the subject wake up America! help the chrildren of the big easy go home. just my 2cents.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Kill the son of Bitch
America! what you do when someone Betrayed you?
What you do? when someone steal from you.
what do you do?when someone know's too much.
what do you do when someone blackmaling you.
Take the sonof a bitch hunting!
Fuck him up, call it an accident,
then scare the fuck out of him ,
into a heart attack,enough said
America.just my 2cents!Oh!
got alot of paid witness so
it is an accident,Ha!
What you do? when someone steal from you.
what do you do?when someone know's too much.
what do you do when someone blackmaling you.
Take the sonof a bitch hunting!
Fuck him up, call it an accident,
then scare the fuck out of him ,
into a heart attack,enough said
America.just my 2cents!Oh!
got alot of paid witness so
it is an accident,Ha!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Limbo land

Hem! well it almost that time again, Hurruicane season, and the folks in the big easy have yet to see the light of day they are like the children of israel wondering the earth .I wonder why is because there are Black? uneducated worthless good for nothing Poor? King George mom! made an infrence towards those lines cant recall rightly right after that king george went down there to save face an apoligize for her.
Now! what in the hell is taking king george an his cronies so long to help the folks?
why are they being kept in limbo so long , why is it Folks from all over the world want to
help and we dont want to help our own Question again is it because their are black?
They have no eletricity no gass no water, you could smell the dead bodies,
some area is still under water every thing is still the same.Now some say
it is a conspiricy they want folks to leave the area so they could Build,mega
building.Will the big easy be cut off an become a soverin?or will king george,
stay out of those folks buisness in the middle east and look inward in his own house
and help clean it up.King George do something that's why your in washington.
much to do about nothing,just my 2cents!
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
What a find

I am extactic! you know the late great (Jack CRUUSTO)First i must apoligize if i spell his name wrong,he is looking down on that great discovery that was made a few days ago,saying to himself that should have bin me, nevertheless his counterpart the National Geographic! did just so,they discover a lost(forgoten) piece of the world with excotic animals and spiecies of birds that dont have a name The place folks is a little isolated country like New Guniea,Now my question is how long will it take for the rest of the world to exploit this Prestine corner of the world with gread and desease leave it be Folks ! admire from a distance. In a place like that there is a lot of Scientific value ,But if you have to study dont Polute Dont! rape the place and then leave. Please leave it as you found it, it doesent' belong to you. just my2cents!
You see every day we are discovering new things about our self and the world,time is @ hand look @ the Giant Squid around Japan and the huge Jelly fish.Let us take time to reflect and take more care of our world you see the things that were asleep is beying awoke,we got to take stock and find out why.much to do about nothing just my 2cents!
Sunday, February 05, 2006
The art of spying
America!( The new buzz word is the art of spying) did you know spying is an art? no place on this planet is safe from big brother eyes,imagine you on the shitter an someone could tell you how meny time you made a drop in the shitter,or watching you using the key board,talking to someone nex to you, fucking your wife even,now i call that basterd a pervert ,not national security,after a wild we may have to live in a led house or have a shield around and point someone was riding in a car talking on the phone they didnt' recognize his voice here is the kicker someone was in the back seat his was.He aws also on the hit list, and everybody was wipe out just because that person was in the back suppose he was just getting a lift no eletronic gaget is safe from king george, and becareful whom you assocate your self with these days .just my 2cents!
cant live with and cant do with out it,ever get disguss when you come to a tunnel and you are in the middle of a conversation and you have to tell the person you will call back.well america that will be a thing of the pass,yet still you have folks out there who is against it,they say that their down time well if you want down time turn the fucking thing off right america!Yes the big apple will be experimenting with the idea of towers in the subway,Now! the onley problem i have with that is (microwave radition) have they consider that?much to do about nothing,just my 2cents!
cant live with and cant do with out it,ever get disguss when you come to a tunnel and you are in the middle of a conversation and you have to tell the person you will call back.well america that will be a thing of the pass,yet still you have folks out there who is against it,they say that their down time well if you want down time turn the fucking thing off right america!Yes the big apple will be experimenting with the idea of towers in the subway,Now! the onley problem i have with that is (microwave radition) have they consider that?much to do about nothing,just my 2cents!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
War around the corner!
Wake up america! did you hear that another war is comming! king george said"if Iran act on their words towards isreal He will be right beside her".Dont you see america he love these little war so he could kill some more of our kids that he has no Job for in the real world.Look out America war is at hand.just my 2cents.
Monday, January 30, 2006
WAKE up america!
Spying is not new in America think back old Hover use to spy on the JEWS,ASIAN,oh yes dont forget BLACKS! then Trickey Dick! but he got caught then they call it watergate,and
they reward him with a Pardon.NowKingGeorge turn he call it
home land security america they are not
in folks comming through Tunnel into america the are more intrested in what me and you are doing,in our bedroom on the phone,you see when they do it it call
security but when the
avrage joe does it we goes to jail because we are call peeping tom or a pervert America March on Washington tell King George and his cronies! Hell no we wont tahe that shit any more give us back our rights. It not security Folks it is invasion of Privacy,Why dont he stop the folks from coming through the tunnel thats a high Risk what do you think.just my 2cents.
they reward him with a Pardon.NowKingGeorge turn he call it
home land security america they are not
in folks comming through Tunnel into america the are more intrested in what me and you are doing,in our bedroom on the phone,you see when they do it it call
security but when the
avrage joe does it we goes to jail because we are call peeping tom or a pervert America March on Washington tell King George and his cronies! Hell no we wont tahe that shit any more give us back our rights. It not security Folks it is invasion of Privacy,Why dont he stop the folks from coming through the tunnel thats a high Risk what do you think.just my 2cents.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Fredricks of hollywood
I wanted to build a new computer, so i started to shop around I try several places Pricegraber , circuit city,new egg, so i try this one well folks from the looks of things you would never want to buy any things from that friging place its a run down website, or quaint whatever you want to call it then i start to look around it advertise for Fredricks of hollywood, so i think i will visit again oh yea! i did find what i was looking for in the computer section.much to do about nothing
Sunday, January 22, 2006
No! more Broken heart

Yes folks you hear me ,no more broken heart what will they think of next,your not feeling well got the Docter dignoses broken heart he said no problem i can fix you up, first what kind insurance do you have?ops! sorry not covered no shit people they made a bandage for your heart in a lab in Ny,Ny.No shit this is what she said . "We joke that this is really 'a patch for a broken heart,'" said Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, professor of biomedical engineering at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City, and co-director of the Tissue Engineering Resource Center at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md.
She described the new technology at a special "Hybrid Technologies" symposium held Thursday in New York City, part of the Second International Conference on Cell Therapy for Cardiovascular Diseases.just my 2cents,much to do about nothing.Hearts affected by heart attack or congestive heart failure develop large areas of scar tissue that is essentially non-functioning. In the most serious cases, drugs are of little help, and demand for heart transplants far outstrip the supply of donor hearts.
"So, we are trying here to make heart tissue," Vunjak-Novakovic explained. The process mimics that seen in nature, with scientists replicating the cardiac environment inside a special tissue-growing chamber called a bioreactor.Now why should we be compare to a hybrid car,you tell me.any here is a pic.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Water! Water!

Have you ever stop think?
what would happen if the there is no water,Well take a munite to think about it! ea,time up well let me tell you we would die,things we take for granter,like water.Folks not too far in the distance water will be like oil you will have to pay for it on the market onley the( Prive few) will have it, some parts of the world they are already making it a commodity,Beware ! take care of whatever little you have so it dont come to be commodity.See the folks up stream will be the ones controling water i not saying to run for the hills,or the country where the streams are i am saying wase not !want not! Water is very Precious think about it.much to do about nothing, just my 2cents!while you are here visit this link!
Thursday, January 19, 2006
IT'S a sad day america!
those cronie in the capitol dont has nothing to do now they are going after google blogg records, to see if they are distrubeting Porn.True enough we have kinkey folks out there hell even some of those cronie on the hill might be kinkey under cover,hell leave em! be dont let christina liberals fanatic tell you what you cant see or read where is the free America?Cronies dont you have enough to do with the Economy ?cant solve that so you turn to trivial things like Porn, Too much power in the hands of old men.Wake up america! march on washington tell them tell them you want back your rights,of freedom to speak,Privacy,not (Privilages)Tell them to go back to buisness at hand of building a strong America and leave the christian Bullshit alone!just my 2cents,on a lighter note Did you know they say the big blue will make go blind hell what would you like a hardon or being blind hell for me blind because i could feel the hardon!HA!!People it use to be a right to read and watch whatever you want.These lazey ass Parent all they want to do is plant their kids in front of the tv so they could be yapping on the phone.Then when any thing happen they want to blame the media, for their short comming in rearing their kids,First they said spunge bob was a fag now he is to be blaime for obesity come on.Do your job as a Parent get involve in their every day life.much to do about nothing just my 2cents.
those cronie in the capitol dont has nothing to do now they are going after google blogg records, to see if they are distrubeting Porn.True enough we have kinkey folks out there hell even some of those cronie on the hill might be kinkey under cover,hell leave em! be dont let christina liberals fanatic tell you what you cant see or read where is the free America?Cronies dont you have enough to do with the Economy ?cant solve that so you turn to trivial things like Porn, Too much power in the hands of old men.Wake up america! march on washington tell them tell them you want back your rights,of freedom to speak,Privacy,not (Privilages)Tell them to go back to buisness at hand of building a strong America and leave the christian Bullshit alone!just my 2cents,on a lighter note Did you know they say the big blue will make go blind hell what would you like a hardon or being blind hell for me blind because i could feel the hardon!HA!!People it use to be a right to read and watch whatever you want.These lazey ass Parent all they want to do is plant their kids in front of the tv so they could be yapping on the phone.Then when any thing happen they want to blame the media, for their short comming in rearing their kids,First they said spunge bob was a fag now he is to be blaime for obesity come on.Do your job as a Parent get involve in their every day life.much to do about nothing just my 2cents.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Wake up America!
Too much information in the wrong hands Spell (trouble)Wake up America! before one morning we wake up and find troops in the streets,Instead of camera's Wake up take back your Freedom,To (Privacy) NOt( Privilege)Dont let 911 be an excuse for big brother to spy on us.Much to do about nothing just my 2cents.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Beware of the big bad Wolf
Not long ago we had this thing call Privacy!where our intimate taught or identity was conceal.Now they call it Privileges you cant talk on the Telephone never know some one may be listing to you, becareful how you talk in your home it is a privilage, they can see through walls now,it is not a right any more,even the right to smoke is slowley sliping a way from us,walking on the streets some one is watching you,dont worry big brother has a reason an a name for every thing he does.You see the camara was always there but we did'nt pay too much attention to it until they put it on main street.Wake up America! we are in a police state( no more land of the Free)Big brother is telling you what to do not what you want him to do any more.The new thing is ePassport all your Privilages are on that ,(not Privicy! Privilage.)Do any one knows what E means in syber term?America it means Surveilance, with the ePassport if you go to the jon! Big brother probably know how meny time you flush.well folks!it is a sad day in America no more (Privacy) much to do about nothing,Just my
2cents.while you are here check this link!
2cents.while you are here check this link!
Saturday, January 14, 2006

The other day i was looking through some things came across some old Photo i would like to share with you from time to time, see i use to go Ny N y on labour day just for the carnival now i dont,i just stop dont know why! lazy i guest.much to do about nothing!this is onley my check out this link they has some kool stuff.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Dont count him out!

Behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining,Yes folks did you see the head line?Even dough we did not like him because he an Monica had a thing he is still out there pitching for us,Yap wild Bill, made a Deal with the Drug company to make the aids drug cheaper,"Under the agreement, four companies will offer the tests for 49 cents to 65 cents each, cutting the cost of a diagnosis in half. Four more companies will provide the antiretroviral drugs efavirenz and abacavir at a price about 30 percent less than the current market rate.
"Too many people die because they can't afford or don't have access to the drugs," Clinton said at his office in Harlem. "This agreement will save hundreds of thousands of lives."So what do you think of Old wild bill now?much to do about nothing folks.just my 2cents.
MARY JANE(Pot/Grass)

A while back i rote an article about mary jane not knowing that there was a blogger uses the name mary jane!I must apoligize to that person if my article seams to equate her name with the article, you see to me mary jane is just another word for (Pot/marijuana)On the subject how is life in Rhode island now?that you could get your pot there with the stroke of a pen or some fast maneuvering.let me know Much to do about nothing.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
No More Friging Blow Job

Here is a new one for you Urethritis,Does any of you fellows know what it is?
well acordin toDr.Hunt at theUniversity of Washington,Gentlemen! stop getting those Friging Blowjob on the side,and eating the kitty cat! or more politely Dining out Ladies you too when was the last time you and your mate went to see a Docter Together? this way no one has to be ashame or lie to his or her mate about what the docter said. About five percent of the cases were directly related to germs from the mouth, including adenoviruses and a form of herpes. The researchers also found that urethritis without an apparent cause was more common in men who were on the receiving end of oral sex from their female or male partners.The research points to the potential influence of normally innocuous germs in the mouth, Handsfield said. "It suggests that some of these cases might be due to bacteria that are entirely normal when they're in the mouth but cause inflammation in the urethra."
This also suggests that men shouldn't assume that getting a case of urethritis from a partner is a sign that she or he has been unfaithful, Handsfield said. The urethritis may have simply come from normal mouth germs.Much to do about nothing,So becareful out there see your docter regular.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Gm heading for the hills

Well! thats' new year for you earley i said they are downsizing at general motor but never taught that their would be rumor of bankruptcy, well every body is heading for the hills. Ho! will be next? Ford maybe?whats' your take on it? much to do about nothing, Hard times is a comming.What will all those friging people do if that happen.Their medical benifit will be lost, their way of living will be gone forever.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Ok!whats' next got a spliff man . Houston we have arrive the new year starting out right for some folks.Beam us up Scotie to Rhode Island that is,Pack your bags children we are moving to Rhode island Dady is not feeling well got to see the Docter first to get his script then off to Rhode island thats right folks, marijuana its' legal there as long as you show a doctor script.much to do about nothing. How bout that Google is making a PC undercover so dont be suprise.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Wake up

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